Looking to get a hold of us? Not a problem!

For any membership inquires, please email dentalanthassoc@gmail.com

Article submissions and questions concerning the journal can be sent to our journal editors,

All other inquiries can be sent to our communications officer, Diana Malarchik and she will direct you to the appropriate party.

officer Emails

President - Dr. Marin Pilloud; mpilloud@unr.edu

Past President- Dr. Daniel Antoine; DAntoine@britishmuseum.org

Secretary - Dr. Kathleen Paul; kspaul@uark.edu

Treasurer- Dr. Christina Nicholas; clnichol@uic.edu

Executive Board Member- Dr. Rebecca George; rgeorge@email.wcu.edu

Journal Editor- Dr. Toby Hughes;

Communications Officer- Diana Malarchik; dmalarchik@ucdavis.edu

Student Member- Dori Kenessey; dkenessey@nevada.unr.edu








Note: All banner images depict Medieval Danish teeth from the site of Øm Kloster, photographed by E.M. Lagan, used with permission of collection curators at ADBOU (Adbou.dk).